What is your view on gun control?
  I oppose most all gun control, even the measures that 'seem' to make good sense and isn't much of a hassle to law abiding citizens (like universal background checks). 

Why? Because this control is further restricting rights/freedoms and just inches the government another step down the line at yanking the 2nd amendment all together. The government likes to build on itself,.. you literally give them an inch and they take a mile (or several thousand miles). 

Further, all gun control measures we have passed in the past and current have NOT helped crime or stopped any 'shooters'. 

We are simply 'reacting' to a mass shooting, with emotion. Now the president and others are saying we MUST do something,.. so we will DO something. The problem is we don't REALLY know what to do. We don't know what actually makes a difference. So instead of figuring out what would work and not be in some rush to pass more gun control like if we don't pass these laws in X months we are doomed -- instead we just DO SOMETHING, and this something is passing gun control laws that will only really effect law abiding citizens who aren't committing crimes. 

Gun control laws don't hurt the criminals. Guns are everywhere, and they ALWAYS will be on the black market -- even if they take all the law abiding citizens guns away, guns will still be in the hands of the bad guys, on the black market. 

It is no different with prohibited ANYTHING -- we tried alcohol,.. what happened? 

We are currently in the 42nd year of prohibiting drugs -- and what has happened? The problem is expensive and only gets worse with our 'War'. 

Same happens with guns -- you put regulations, laws on them (above what is already there) -- the problem doesn't get any better. 

The problem isn't the background checks -- we already have to get background checks by the FBI NCIC -- 

In some states you can buy them private party, but so what? People buying from gun shows and private party aren't the majority of 'criminals'. 

Criminals steal guns,.. criminals buy guns out of trunks of cars.. from other criminals. If the criminal has the money he can get an automatic weapon.. anything he wants. 

Our regulations and laws will ONLY be followed by law abiding citizens. See the irony here, if they abide by the law,.. now -- why do we need to put more restrictions on them? 

As for disallowing criminals --- we have long been doing this. No one with an crime of violence (even misdemeanors -- ie: Domestic Violence 3rd -- which would have been a false claim.. ) -- in their record or a felony conviction can purchase or OWN a firearm. 

Not only can they not buy one, but they can't own one (can't be around them) etc. 

So a felon has a gun in his home.. cops show up for unrelated reason, find gun in home -- Felon goes to jail and gun is taken. 

Now the mental issue is tricky -- we can hardly understand the why and what of mental illness as is -- much less are we going to try and dictate who is TOO mentally ill? 

How do we do that? 

What if we decided that ANYONE who ever reported they were depressed qualified as 'too mentally ill to own a firearm'. 

That is about 3-4 out of every 10 people you see (if not more). 

So now people are going to have another reason not to tell their doctor they have some depression or anxiety, or stress cause they don't want to have basic rights taken away. 

The catch is -- most people who are going to be denied the ability to own a gun will have a record showing such. A mentally ill person who is VIOLENT (this is the only type of mental illness you would ever target) will likely eventually have some Domestic dispute/violence that the cops will get called out on. It goes in their record, and they can't buy a gun. 

Do we start just abolishing HIPPA and health privacy laws and prying open everyone's most intimate medical records for everyone in the entire country? Looking for signs ? 

Putting medical issues into the governments hands, and "databases" is a reaaally bad idea -- it gives them a foot into the door of everyone's medical care, diseases, previous emotional/mental problems (even if now they are fine),.. and so on. Our government shouldn't be deciding ANY medical issues, they can't even be reasonable enough to pass a budget - this 'government' of ours is so capable and responsible we have an account balance of $ -16,500,728,413,205 and 68 cents. 

Yes, it is unconstitutional, so is the presidents over-reaching of Executive power by issuing executive orders for anything he wants done that he doesn't want to fight for in congress and the house -- or knows what get passed by the legislative branch of government. That is circumventing one of the 3 checks and balances -- Not constitutional,.. not right.
Gun control

Gun control


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