Dusty Semien's profile

Photographic Font Project

Creating a Photographic Font
I am Dusty Semien a BYU-Idaho student. This is our first project for ART 235 (Graphic Design). We were given the task to develop and complete a photographic font from letters that appear naturally around us.
These are photographs of things around me. At first glance they appear as normal objects, but give it a second or third look and you will begin to see alphabet an emerge. 
From my photographs, I produced four prototypes of potential groupings that could work together to produce an alphabet. I spelled out font names that could be used to represent a photographic font collection.
I selected to work with the vine letters I photographed from the large Wisteria bush in my backyard. I returned again and again to that large Wisteria bush. I wanted to capture as many images of  letters as I could find.  I loved this part of the creative process. I have found that the world can be quite difference through the lens of my camera. I enjoy being about to capture the unexpected and coming away with a new perspective and view of the simple and beautiful things which  often go unnoticed around me. Collectively, all I could see was a massive bush, but up close the view was a different experience.  I began to see the intertwined vines and the letters they sculpted after years of growing together. The more time I spend standing in silence, the more I was able to see. 
I named my final photographic font DIVINES.
photographic font mock up: DIVINES
Photographic Font Project

Photographic Font Project
