Perfil de Anna K Janet

Undergrad Architecture Portfolio

Undergraduate Architectural Portfolio
I produced this book to display the work completed at the University of Pennsylvania in 2008 in the undergraduate Architecture program.  All architectural plans, sections, and images are hand-drawn. 
An introduction to technical drawing.  Take an organic object and represent it with the technical drawing tools.
Introduction to fabrication.  Design and fabricate a valise that fits on the body and holds drafting tools.  The valise should not only relate to the objects within, but also the part of the body to which it is attached.  The measuring tape fits over my ankle, and the plumb bob measures my walking pace.
An introduction to hand-drawn rendering.  The assignment was to design a space to aid or deter a habit.  This is a shower that helps me be more effecient.
Bartram's garden - Design a single family home for a visiting professor of Edgar Allan Poe stories.  The home should relate to a specific Poe story.
Sketch models before the final model was fabricated in Oak and Acrylic.
Character boards - graphic design posters to represent the concepts in our designs.
Undergrad Architecture Portfolio

Undergrad Architecture Portfolio

Some projects from my undergraduate architectural portfolio.
