Can a slime mold help us rethink our own methodologies as designers while, more abstractly, questioning the way that we contribute to a structurally uncreative society? 
The Muculm Project coalesced as an ever expanding body of work openly investigating aesthetics and radical ideologies derived from the properties of Slime Molds while experimenting with the implementations of bitmap sylization to the complicated structures. The processes resulted in a finished Display Typeface, various bitmapped images, posters and an accompanied audio visual piece showcasing the typeface and a piece of writing discussing how slime mold can be implemented to rethink society and creation. 
Display Typeface
​​​​​​​The Muculm typeface works strongest in the form of a metaphor, representing the need to separate ourselves from our intrinsically human centered lives, and a new and exciting way of thinking that is beyond our ego.
Slime Mold Grid
The typeface is based on a grid that is derived from an image of a slime mold I observed during the past few months. The eukaryotic organism had dried up, changing the more organic, sporadic structures that a slime mold is known for into shapes that resembled more geometric circular ones, like craters spreading outward in varied sizes. Parts of the dried up structures would break off abruptly, discontinuing the pattern while introducing interesting lines through the slime mold. The grid came to resemble the combination of these circular craters and the lines that would arrive through cracking and breaking.
Bitmap Grid
Alternative Bitmap Visuals
Audio Video Piece
Posters for the Philosophy Around Slime Mold


