Project: Cube
Project: Cube is a simple prototype of a game a started working on a couple weeks ago.  The general idea of the project is a way for me to practice my programming, development, and level design skills and putting them into a released product.

The premise of the game is it's a simple blockout of a puzzle game in which the player controls a cube to get to the yellow finish line.  The player must work their way to the finish while moving around and dodging red blocks that threaten to send them back to the beginning of the level.

It is currently in development and if you'd like to help me improve it, you can fill out this survey here:
There is a link to the game download as well as directions to do so in that form.

I will update this page as the game develops!

Version 2
For the second build, I edited the game based on ideas I had for future development as well as feedback from my playtesters over the last couple of weeks.  The build can still be downloaded on in the embedded link on this page.  If you'd like to help my development of this game, you can follow that link!

Patch notes are as follows:
- Movement updated for better collision detection
- Level Walls were edited slightly to prevent the player from falling through the wall
- 2 new levels added featuring a new black hole mechanic for players to avoid
- Anchors slightly edited to move the level name text to the top left corner, rather than in      the middle of the screen

Project: Cube


Project: Cube
