Fineliner & water colours.
We had to come up with a T-shirt design that communicates a social awareness message. Instead of doing the concept of animal cruelty, I chose to rather take a positive angle: appreciating your pet. The illustration is a celebration of a dog, using mediums fineliner & watercolour paint. The reason for the unnatural colours is that it is more than a dog; it is a celebration & an artwork and it needs to stand out and be noticed. 
By adding facts of animal cruelty and abuse to the bottom of the image, along the hair on the dog’s neck and chest, the message that all dogs are not being appreciated is conveyed. When you look at the image from a distance it just looks like a celebration of this dog, but upon closer inspection you are subtlety alerted to the abuse that still goes on. 
The slogan “Like family” describes what pets can mean to people and how they often get treated. This can go both ways, as people can either really cherish & appreciate their family or they can treat them like rubbish, as they know they will always forgive them. A pet also becomes part of the family, as it lives with you and spends a lot of time with you. 
Family Dog


Family Dog

T-shirt illustration design.
