Perfil de Niki Palinkas

Titanic International Filmfest / Festival posters,cards

Titanic International Filmfest
festival  logo,posters, and info cards
/ schoolwork /
This project was made for the Hungarian film festival , Titanic. Titanic shows every year unknown, 
or " hard to reach " movies from Europe and from Asia. This festival is rather a short and little festival, but all the more worth to visit. The aim was to make black and white posters, cards, leaflets to advertise the festival, and keep the costs low. These prints can be produced cheep, and also can be copied with a copier.
Titanic International Filmfest / Festival posters,cards
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Titanic International Filmfest / Festival posters,cards

Titanic International Filmfest, logo, posters, info cards

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