'Light Play' @ iLight 2018
Revolving around the theme of well-being and social sustainability, 'Light Play' encourages relaxation through play... simply by just playing with light. Using a light source that everyone has on hand – the one from your phone.

Shine the light from your mobile phones at this series of light tubes and watch as patterns change. At the same time, they emit relaxing musical notes like those made by traditional Chinese wind instruments. The kids moving around the Light Play installation can do exactly that – play with light! In fact, Light Play is a simple reminder for even adults to loosen up and get in touch with the child in them.

The final Lightplay setup against the Singapore Skyline along the Marina Bay boardwalk
Light play is an interactive light display which serves to be a large musical instrument. 
The team's main focus was to allow everyone to be musicians in their own way 
 using what everyone has in their pockets, their phones. 
Once a user shines a light into any of the 5 sensors surrounding half of the perimeter of the work, 
it translates into a 'chord'. This chord sends an array of lights upwards towards the top of the installation.
Simultaneously, a chord is played. 

'But what if there is more than one user at a time?'

The idea was first birthed in a User Experience class back in Arts, Design & Media. It was an honour to have been chosen by iLight Singapore to make this class project into a real life project in iLight 2018.
Special thanks to NTU Museum, ADM and IEM EEE faculty and PICO corp!
The Team: Farhan Arif Bin Abdul Razak, Kaixin, Joy Tan, Zhao Xiangling, Duc Thang, Valerie Ye and Timo.
First mockup of Light Play.
Theme for iLight 2018 : SUSTAINABILITY

Sustainability is essential to various parts of our lives, including our well-being, happiness and health. Revolving around the theme of well-being and social sustainability, Light Play encourages relaxation through play. With social interaction as an indirect outcome of play, we hope visitors will open up and chat with fellow visitors in the midst of engaging with the installation. Light Play is a simple reminder for our audiences to loosen up and get in touch with the child in them.
Final video and Audience feedback on Light Play.
Some extra behind-the-scenes:
This is the first time for me to work on an outdoor exhibition project. 
After working two weeks non-stop and even overnights in the lab and on site, the moment that the whole project lit up for the first time, with the interaction from the onlookers for the first time; I felt a strong sense of satisfaction that all the work done had been worth it. 

During the final installation at the venue, we had to cope with the wet, rainy weather. The night before, most of the wires and cables had not connected and we didn’t sleep well. We rushed down the next day in the early morning, and it rained on and off the entire day. We had to cover the projects while working underneath the coverings, testing the installations and power supplies. At the same time, we had to protect the electricity and equipment from the water, and did not give much thought about our comfort and well-being. 

Even though the environment was wet, all of us focused and were determined on our tasks to complete the installation. In the end, we had to work overnight. But it was such a valuable memory and experience to us, it was all worth it.
iLight 2018 Light Play
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iLight 2018 Light Play

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