Skeddle is a design which consists of two parts that can be attached to any bicycle with the universal size of the frame:
- Extra comfortable and extra lightweight cushion. It is waterproof, scratch resistant and flexible.
- Universal frame which is mounted to the bicycle at all times. Different cushions can be attached to the same frame.
The user can pluck out the seat like a cover and carry it with them easily in their bag to prevent it from getting stolen!

This project was done in collaboration with XL Extralight. The material is comfortable, soft flexible, 
waterproof, scratch resistant, light weight and easily cleanable. The material suits perfect for a outdoor use.
The same mold can be used to create Skeddles of different colors. The seat thus does not require a extra 
cover of leather or any kind of cloth. It is a single piece of seat which can be customized according to needs. 
The mold can also be modified to attain different textures at different placements as per the needs of the user.

Our sight for Skeddle is to design various types of bicycle seats for different occasions and audience. But we plan to keep the frame the same for all the different styles. In this way the user can permanently keep the frame attached to the bicycle and just change the cushion of the seat easily. The same bicycle can thus be used by different users.
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Skeddle- Project done for Salone di Milano 2019 in collaboration with Scuola Politecnica di Design and XL Extralight.

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