Orfeas E. Plastirass profil

The "Thought-Provoking Posters" series

The "Thought-Provoking Posters" series
A new poster series, featuring a nice blend of colors and a word-theme, followed by a provocative text that aims to inducing questions about the way we live.
So far, 9 posters have been designed. The goal is to design one poster every week and compose a suitable text so as to broach a variety of subjects. This project will be renewed each week with a new poster-topic.
01. Society
There are those who are thought to be normal and constitute a society, also known as the majority, those who are special but compromise to the popular belief so as to live an easier life by sacrificing their true freedom and those who are special but dare to take risks and express their opinion, as well as live an “abnormal life”, known as the strays of the society. Which type of group do you belong to? The normies, the trapped or the free?

02. Brain
Can we hack a human brain? We know that the human brain consists of neurons, which are electrically excitable cells that communicate with other cells via specialized connections, called synapses. Therefore, we observe a movement of electrons which generates an electric current with various frequencies. If we applied an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) with the same frequency as the brain waves, could we alter the function of the brain? Could we interfere with the memories of oneself?

03. Depression
Depression is like an uneven dark mass that is confined in a circular wall, engulfing everything inside, absorbing light, matter and emotions while occupying the void space of the circle. The only way out is to let someone help you, opening cracks through the wall, letting the light cancel out the darkness, thus filling the circle with energy and joy. The question is will you let yourself be vulnerable in order to be helped and let out of that emptiness?

04. Sex
Sex is one of the humanely acts that is thought to be a sin or a temptation in many religions. During sex, many feel vulnerable because of their nudity and showing of emotions, thus falling into their self-made trap of pleasure, misinterpeting it as love. As a result, they often get heart broken. When they finally meet their “soulmate”, they have the most amazing sex, with no shame or guilt, giving everything and feeling all kinds of positive emotions in every inch of their bodies.

05. Climate_Change
Nature has her own way of coping with problems dealt by the species she hosts and nourishes. In order to restore balance, she will fire up a mechanism similar to that we humans have, a sort of an immune system. Changes that impair her healthy function caused by humans will have a huge impact later on them. A noteworthy example is that of the climate change we observe day by day. Nature responds to the damage we have done to her and she repays it by making it harder for us to survive.

06. Death
Death. An occasion almost all humans tread to witness first-hand. The loss of consciousness, the loss of loved ones, the slow decay of one’s body into dust. All that is left behind is bones and memories that slowly fade with the passage of time. But some say that our souls transcend into the afterlife, were we continue to live as someone else or we are reincarnated into something else. Is there truly an afterlife or are we engulfed into an infinitely empty void where time ceases to exist?

07. Disguise
We have become too afraid to show our true emotions to the world, or at least to our loved ones. We even try to deceive ourselves by persuading us that everything is alright when it’s not or by burying them deep. Wearing a mask day by day trying to convince us and others that we do not feel these negative emotions, pretending that we’ve solved them and we are happy. For how long will we wear that disguise? Isn’t it high time we removed it and felt our true emotions?

08. Human_Printer
In this day and age, we are able to recreate and synthesize DNA from scratch. That means that now we can synthesize bacteria, mircoorganisms or even human parts and whole humans. We could finally “play God” by creating people, similar to cloning them. We could use them to do the “dirty work” since they would be registered as consumables or do drug tests on them. But would that be ethically correct? Is it right to deprive them from their human rights since they are also human beings with human nature?

09. Emotionless
Someone who can no longer feel any emotion, neither positive nor negative. Someone who has used almost all of his spring of emotions and now that source has dried up. They keep on living their lives not caring about their feelings anymore. All they worry about is how to make ends meet and what to do in order for time to pass by. Most have been scarred for life by some grievous or unfortunate moment, while others try to find the broken pieces so as to connect them and feel whole again.
10. Cloud_Pinchers
Cloud pinchers are a special kind of magical wisps that are responsible for the weather. Their main job is to use very sharp needles with their powers to pinch the soft aquatic white-gray gas masses, also known as clouds, so as to cause the rain to fall. Once they puncture the cloud and the rain starts falling, they fly away to a safe location, returning the needles to the nearest weaver.
The "Thought-Provoking Posters" series


The "Thought-Provoking Posters" series

A new poster series, featuring a nice blend of colors and a word-theme, followed by a provocative text that aims to inducing questions about the Læs mere
