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Recursos de educación para a saúde - Activities book

Recursos de educación para a saúde

Galician Scouts Group was looking for a compact, portable and handy guide to put together some activities regarding health they gathered. They needed something light and resistant to take with them in their tours and outings. 

For the final product, I designed a book with spiral binding for an easy handeling and synthetic all-weather paper strong enough to resist all their adventures. The coloured borders help finding the subjects in the book quickly, and Pos-it shaped boxes at the begining of each activity serve as a resume, showing which materials or tools are needed, approximate duration and recommended age ranges to perform them.

Client: Scouts de Galicia.
Text and pictures: Scouts de Galicia.
Recursos de educación para a saúde - Activities book

Recursos de educación para a saúde - Activities book
