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Choosing the Right Sneakers for Your Foot Type

Choosing the Right Sneakers for Your Foot Type
According to statistics, over 50% of people experience foot pain at some point in life. This is caused by using sneakers that don’t suit their feet.

If you do professional work involving standing and walking almost the whole day, your feet take a large amount of pressure. Having ill-fitted sneakers worsen the problem. Basically, the primary cause of pain and discomfort is improper fitting or the wrong type of the sneakers. Choosing the right type of sneakers for your feet has an impact on the outfit and the fitness of the feet too. Tight tying of laces is also an issue and no tie shoelaces can come to the rescue. There are some basic tips you should keep in mind before buying sneakers.

Measure Your Feet Twice Before Buying Sneakers

Before you move to the sneaker store to purchase a new pair, take measurements of your feet multiple times to get a clearer idea of your foot size. Take the outline of your foot by tracing it on a piece of paper and carry it with you to the store. This makes it simpler to compare your preferred outfit to the tracing size for easier identification of your sneaker type. If the preferred sneakers are shorter or narrower than the tracing you should not waste time trying the sneakers. Visit a store that offers professional sneakers fitting for better results.

Mind the Width

Most people measure their feet only minding the length, but they forget the foot width is a factor too. Failing to take into consideration your foot width may lead you to choose narrower sneakers for your feet. Sneakers that are too narrow compress the foot, causing swelling and pain. Taking an inch wider doesn’t solve the issue. If the widest part of your foot is uncomfortable in the style, ask for a wider pair from the salesperson in the sneakers store.

Try Before Buying

Do not just quickly land on a pair and cash it out. Put on the desired style and walk around the store to ensure they are comfortable. Walk on a hard ground instead of grassed grounds which may make you feel comfortable because of less pressure. Be keen to notice if the sneakers are uncomfortably too tight or they are slipping off. Focus on the comfort at the arch of your feet and ensure there is no pinching sensation. If you find any sign like tightness, slipping off or pinching at the arch of your foot, these are signs that the sneakers are not just the right ones for you. You should not assume that your feet will adapt to the size of sneakers after some use, instead go for the fitted pair right away.

Remember Feet Size Changesz

Even in adulthood, feet changes in size and shape. They often widen and lengthen as age advances. Make sure you know the current size of your foot before buying sneakers. Your right foot may vary in size with the left foot. Choose the sneakers that fit the larger foot.
When you are buying sneakers also consider the accessories that go along with the sneakers. Try the no tie shoelaces while wearing socks to ensure they are comfortable. Having healthy feet is your choice. Get the best sneakers that fit both the length and width of your foot.
Choosing the Right Sneakers for Your Foot Type

Choosing the Right Sneakers for Your Foot Type


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