Trams in Brisbane
Medium: Web Video
Target: Carers (dementia/aged care)
Role: Copywriter (scripting)
Executions: 1 of 1 displayed

This piece was created to evoke a strong reaction from a localised nostalgia-obsessed audience with a mix of imagery and easy to follow scripting that carefully laid out the story of Brisbane's long-since destroyed tramway network.
Promoting Queensland
Looking back at decades of classic Queensland tourism promotions to paint a picture of state identity and approved marketing tactics.
Memory Lounge
Medium: A5 Flyer
Target: Carers (dementia/aged care)
Role: Copywriter
Executions: 1 of 1 displayed

The primary aim of this piece was to communicate to carers and care facilities that Queensland State Archives was an opportunity for their clientele to reconnect with lost memories, both personal and shared. The tone was intended to be equal parts genial and direct - no illusions or force, just a straight, open invitation for a walk down memory lane. 
Birdcage of the Bay
Medium: Postcards
Target: History curious Queensland public
Role: Copywriter (top line left side) & photography (left side on cards 2&3)
Executions: 4 of 6 displayed

This is a series of postcards designed to be integrated into a puzzle based challenge that was to be the non-digital interactive element of the Birdcage of the Bay exhibition. Each postcard corresponded with a different stage of the overall puzzle and an individual exhibit on display in the central exhibition space (not including digital elements); the headlines were created to give a sense of play while also indirectly leading the patron/challenger to the what and how of that particular stage of the puzzle, with some image elements supplementing this. Furthermore, each of these was created to be an added takeaway from the exhibition that would remind the patron of the experience as well as the many ways in which Queensland State Archives brings history local history to life.
Medium: Web Video
Target: History curious Queensland public
Role: Copywriter 
Executions: 1 of 1 displayed

The Queensland State Archive's "1 Minute Archive" video series was designed to make intriguing or overlooked parts of state history accessible for a wide audience, both in terms of content and video length. This particular video, while dry in terms of topic, works perfectly with its imagery to tell an essential story around the pioneers of sustainability.
QSA: Assorted

QSA: Assorted

An assortment of print and digital pieces created for government body, Queensland State Archives in Q3 & Q4 of FY18/19.
