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Magento 2 Stripe Extension

Magento 2 Stripe Payment Gateway

Secure payment gateway for your Magento 2 store with 500 million Stripe customers with  Stripe Magento 2 Extension from Magenest
- (NEW) Support Stripe.js v3 with Stripe Elements
- (NEW) SCA-ready with Payment Intents API
- IFrame Payment
- PCI DSS Compliance Level 1 for merchants
- Prevent fraud with smart payment filter
- Safe payment - IFrame checkout form
- 3D Secure - Added security layer
- (NEW) Support Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay
- (NEW)Apple Pay button now displayed in Stripe form
- Support Giropay, Alipay, SOFORT, Bancontact, EPS, P24, MultiBanco, iDEAL, and Wechat Pay
Magento 2 Stripe Extension

Magento 2 Stripe Extension

