ROAR大喊大叫|Graduation Exhibition '18

_category 00

What is ROAR?
ROAR is a transfer process from the inside out. It can be viewed and interpreted from many different dimensions. The following is a twelve-stage process that we use to illustrate the idea of the ROAR concept. The common point is that each ROAR comes with its energy accumulation, and the concept of ROAR is what we want to convey. That is, Why we ROAR.  From the intuitive beast howling to the hidden inner desire, we reveal the meaning of ROAR step by step. Finally, the process converge into the concept of ROAR.

 Cumulating ➠ Inside outConcept of ROAR
天敵來襲 ➠ 萬物齊聲吼叫眾聲宣言
譜寫樂句 ➠ 演奏磅礴進行曲:傳達文化思想
社會不公不義 ➠ 記者撰寫報導:為弱勢發聲
板塊碰撞 ➠ 地牛身:由深入淺的傳遞
飢餓感 ➠ 嬰兒嚎啕大哭對生存的渴望
瀑布成川 ➠ 百川海:一切的總結
無盡工業需求 ➠ 煙囪排放廢氣:無聲的控訴
高低氣壓差 ➠ 大風呼嘯而過:從眾心理
對民主的渴望 ➠ 野百合學到自由的地方
長時積勞 ➠ 釋放生活壓力返璞歸真
( get more product info. BiBo )
僥倖心態致疏漏 ➠ 引起大火蔓延蝴蝶效應
( get more product info. Runaway )
孤立於黑暗 ➠ 光線射出空間:安全感之必要
( get more product info. accompany )

_category 01

The poster divided into four blocks represents four different states of life. Viewers can rotate the square scene easily. The stairs and the platforms on four sides can be connected continuously like the transferring process between different modes in the lifetime.
print / 絹印螢光紅、銀色、白色
paper / 黑卡 200p
size / 580mm ✕ 580mm
( ● ✦ ✸ ✹ )
–––  chapters of ROAR –––
● ROAR是嬰孩初啼,是孩子的哄堂,對萬物渴望。

The first state is about childhood that is always free to fly: Children have fun on the playground, play water guns in the summertime, doodle pictures boldly on the book, exploring the world excitedly with curiosity. The "ROAR" at this time is free, untrammeled, and pure. While getting to know more about design, we were able to stimulate many unrestrained ideas, enjoyed the freedom to fly, and hadn’t been restricted by theoretical norms.
✦ ROAR是風呼嘯而過,是成人的無語,包裹住破碎的日常。

Time has evolved from childhood to adulthood which is squeezed by life: children have grown up after the baptism of youth, and understand the framework of the world. Exploring the world is no longer fresh. The sour first love becomes tasteless through the compressed life. However,  the day-by-day and regular life is only the rearrangement of the old events. The desire to export has become a silence unable to say, wrapped in a calm life. The "ROAR" at this time is high pressure, deformed and repeated.
In the process of studying and seeking employment, the understanding of design is influenced by many theories and universal rules, losing the freedom of the first stage.
✸ ROAR,我們大聲吶喊,為的是生存與自由;或者更猖狂,什麼都不許說。

Through the process of the first and second stages, "I will be fearless" after breaking through the encirclement: Accumulating countless energy, we get chaotic on our sense and seem to be trapped in the cage of thinking. We want to scream, shout, and pursue the freedom of thought and the liberation of the body. Nevertheless, no matter how furious the roar is, it still cannot cover the silent accusation against life. At this moment, we don’t say anything, gently transforming the enormous pressure into the power of advancement, and we will finally break through the constraints of the world and become fearless. The "ROAR" at this time is daring, chaotic, and mad.
✹ 最後總有一個時刻,一切匯流成河。

Looking back at everything that happened, all are a "transfer process from the inside out":
After a happy childhood, a youthful baptism, an adult's daily routine, and starting a movement in pursuit of freedom, we will become mature and calm eventually.The thoughts radiate a mellow radiance, the words reflect the empathetic view point, the behavior reflects the value of progress, and have their own unique way of watching the world.The "ROAR" at this time is convergent, completed, and final.
We continuously explore and shuffle in the first three stages during four years in university, it can show a distinctive design style. The graduation projects represent the sum of four-year studying, and the exhibition is where the mind goes.
–––  chapters of ROAR –––
( ● ✦ ✸ ✹ )

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_category 02

Each irregular business card is a deformation of nine unit areas, symbolizing that each designer has similar essence but has his or her own style. The business cards are scattered on the back of the poster, representing free thinking like a volcanic eruption. Eventually, all the business cards can be combined into a complete square, representing the constant communication and running-in in the design process, and the indispensability of each designer.

print / 絹印螢光紅、銀色、白色
paper / 黑卡 200p​​​​​​​
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_category 03

Transform the image of the volcano eruptions into the invitation, and hope you could get the feeling of strong ROAR.
print / 絹印螢光紅、銀色、白色
paper / 黑卡 200p
size / 150mm ✕ 150mm
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_category 04

The front side is a shiny sticker, and the back side is a stamp with the map and time of the exhibition, like an early shop store advertisement.
print / 數位印刷+白墨
paper /  雷射貼紙
size / 90mm ✕ 54mm
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_category 05

We transform the special issue into the form of vinyl record, because music is a transmissive sound that conveys different cultural thinking, ideas, or voices for different ethnic groups. So is design. Each track on the record is a piece of design that broadcasts what the designer wants to convey the most.
print / 螢光紅、銀色單色印刷&四色印刷
paper / 單銅T+霧膜映月風采 140p
size / 外殼315mm ✕ 315mm / 內頁560mm ✕  280mm
Ⓐ 包裝 package
Ⓑ 導覽冊 manual
Ⓒ 系列海報 series posters
track 01:
「 給你一份簡單而穩定的力量。」―​​​​​​​BiBo
“ Give you a simple and staple power. ”  ―BiBo
track 02:
「 引力不再是強而有力的霸佔。」―​​​​​​​引動
“ Attraction is no longer a powerful occupant. ”  ―AdsorptionDOORhandle
track 03:
「 在變°中找到理想的自己。」―​​​​​​​變°
“ Find your ideal self in Trans° ”  ―Trans°
track 04:
「 感受水、光與我們的密不可分。」―​​​​​​​漣雨
“ Feel the inseparable relationship between water, light, and us. ”  ―RIPPLING
track 05:
「 與潔淨有關的快樂回憶。」―​​​​​​​潔淨之戰
“ Happy memories related to cleanliness. ”  ―Cleaning War
track 06:
「 寄之以茗,供之以禮。」―​​​​​​​寄茗
“ Pin our spirits on tea and also show our etiquette. ”  ―Ji Ming
track 07:
「 終於解脫溜。」―​​​​​​​Runaway
“ Finally freed. ”  ―Runaway
track 08:
「 我們透過設計讓人們再次感觸街賣應有的溫度,進而內化為意識,永續傳遞。」―​​​​​​​感溫意識
“ Through design, we let people feel the temperature of the street vender again, and then internalize into consciousness, and continue to pass ”  ―Touch the warmth
track 09:
「 你我之間的距離沒有障礙。」―​​​​​​​相
“ There is no barrier to the distance between you and me. ”  ―Mutual
track 10:
「 屬於小孩自己搭建的玩樂空間。」―​​​​​​​ANY BASE
“ A play space that belongs to the children themselves. ”  ―ANY BASE
track 11:
「 讓時間的輪廓,在具象的過程中明朗。」―​​​​​​​線象學
“ Let the outline of time be clear in the process of figuration.”  ―Lineology
track 12:
「 白天宛如藝術佇立家中,黑夜營造暖心微光。」―​​​​​​​期待✕溫度
“ It is like an artwork standing at home during the day time, and creates warm shimmer at night.”  ―Good to be back home
track 13:
「 別讓天氣破壞你的行程。」―​​​​​​​侍雪
Don't let the weather destroy your trip. ” ―SiYuKi
track 14:
「 為溫暖生活掀起一片光。」―​​​​​​​Lift-Light
“ Turn a warm light of light. ” ―Lift-Light
track 15:
「 我想找到陪伴你的新方法。」―​​​​​​​accompany
“ I want to find a new way to accompany you. ” ―accompany
track 16:
「 即便髮已白,活力始終在。」―​​​​​​​新幸扶
“ Even if your hair is already white, your energy is always there. ” ―NEOlder
track 17:
「 盾行者,移動的堡壘。」―​​​​​​​盾行者
“ Shieldborne is a moving fortress. ” ―Shieldborne
track 18:
「 我悄悄地來,悄悄地走。」―​​​​​​​EEone
“ I come quietly and walk away in silence. ” ―EEone
track 19:
「 過程永遠會令你幻化成蝶。」―​​​​​​​ECDYSIS
“ The process will always make you turn into a butterfly. ” ―ECDYSIS
Ⓓ 黑膠唱片vinyl records
The special issue contains a real vinyl record in the 70s and 80s that can be played. Each vinyl record represents the ROAR of different generation and interprets differently for each stage of self. The fascinating mechanical structure of vinyl discs cannot be replaced by digital music. The real sound performance is just like the essence of design that we strive to convey. Every roar will be read in and wait for a moving resonance. 
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_category 06

Maniac / Maverick / Terminator​​​​​​​
print / 絹印螢光紅、銀色、白色 / 數位印刷
 paper / 黑卡 200p / 雷射貼紙
size / 50mm ✕ 50mm / 47mm ✕ 25mm
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_category 07

Linked to the concept of a business card, each person's identification card is their own unique shape, and the fluorescent red acrylic under the light shines a fascinating glow, as we are shining in the exhibition.
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_category 08

Young Designers' Exhibition 2018 in Taiwan ( May. 25–May. 28 )

ROAR takes "a transfer process from the inside out" as the core. We start from nature, creation, society and human to organize the cause and effect of various events, observe the impact of the event and draw design inspiration from it, and finally ROAR at the people with the work as a medium. This exhibition is the 13th graduation exhibition of the Industrial Design Department of National Kaohsiung Normal University, exhibited at the 37th Young Designers' Exhibition. The Young Designers' Exhibition is a communication event of design-oriented colleges and universities in Taiwan. Through the assembly of the crowd, the result during four years will be ROAR together to convey the essence of design.
Ⓐ 展覽視覺牆 How do we ROAR?
使用了一千隻尖叫雞堆砌成池,營造出強烈的張力,同時也呼應展覽主題— ROAR 大喊大叫,擠壓與碰撞就如同我們在設計過程受到的激盪,在最後一刻共同釋放、盡情呼喊。
We used a thousand screaming chickens to build a pool in order to create a strong tension, which also echoes the theme of the exhibition ROAR at the same time. Squeeze and collision are like the stimulation we have in the design process, released and shouted out at the last minute. 
Ⓑ 設計師牆 ROARers!
Ⓒ 周邊販賣部 Take ROAR home!
Ⓓ 大喊大叫的地方 What's your ROAR?
National Kaohsiung Normal University Department of Industrial Design
107th Graduation Exhibition

後期攝影|古翔宇 Ku Hsiang-Yu 徐德人 Hsu De-Ren 陳韻筑 Chen Yun-Zhu
視覺形象|高郁雯 Kao Yu-Wen 巫佳璇 Wu Chia-Hsuan 陳韻筑 Chen Yun-Zhu   
     古翔宇 Ku Hsiang-Yu 徐德人 Hsu De-Ren 林宜瑩 Lin Yi-Ying 林冠豫 Lin Guan-Yu
共同策展|總召組 視覺組 場地組 公關組 總務組
特別協力|遲家琦 Chih Jia-Chih 鄭致浩 Cheng Chih-Hao

Copyright © 2018-2019 ROAR 大喊大叫. All right reserved.

ROAR大喊大叫|Graduation Exhibition '18
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ROAR大喊大叫|Graduation Exhibition '18

ROAR大喊大叫以「由內向外的傳遞過程」為核心,從自然、萬物、社會、人群出發,爬梳各類事件的因果,觀察出事件造成的影響並攫取其中的設計靈感,終以作品為媒介向眾人叫喊。本展為國立高雄師範大學工業設計學系第十三屆畢業成果展,將大學四年的成果齊聲叫喊,共同傳遞設計的本質。 ROAR takes Daha Fazla Bilgi

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