Vaibhav Roy profili

Juiced! Cold Pressed Juice

Juiced ! Cold Pressed Juice 

Landing Screen :
This is an e-commerce project a health and Nutrition retail client. They where not totally happy with their previous website, which was not only slow but also lacked aesthetics and usability. I was the solo UX Designer for this project. My job was to work with the client and come up with a design which caters to the complete client requirement. 

In a brief manner the design gives the users a basic understanding of what the website and the products which are sold is all about. A simple scroll makes users aware of the health benefits which they can enjoy by buying these products. While scrolling a user can also click into one of those categories and check out the products assigned to each one of those, here a user has an option to see what exactly he/she wants. 
Individual Product:

Here while showing the user information about individual product, we also give a user an option to check other products out too. The user also has a choice to sign up for a complete package, and buy not just one product but a group of them based on the 1, 3, 5 or 7 days cleanse, this specific feature actually increased the sales by itself by almost 22%. 

Adding and checking out the cart is very simple for the user. While the user is shopping he.she can keep a lookout at the cart symbol at the bottom corner. If a user clicks that, he/she can directly go to the checkout screen. 
Juiced! Cold Pressed Juice
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Juiced! Cold Pressed Juice

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