Smithsonian 20th Century Reliquary
Coco Chanel
The challenge of this project is to design a reliquary for a 20th century artifact as part 
of a special Smithsonian exhibition of Relics of the 20th Century. Due to exhibition space limitations the reliquary will be a box-based form with a viewing portal appropriate
 to the chosen relic/artifact.
Final Coco Chanel reliquary
For Coco Chanel's reliquary I decided to use the shape of her recognizable Chanel No. 5 perfume bottle, and add details such as the quilted pattern and her signature on the back to further demonstrate the idea that her name and brand were interchangable and iconic.
Reliquary drawings
Foam model in progress
More angles of final reliquary
I was able to successfully slot and fit my final wood reliaquary without using glue on anything other than the front details.
Wood Reliquary

Wood Reliquary
