Leandro Alex's profileWeslley Alves's profile

Mexican Food Truck

A marca desenvolvida para o Mexican Food Truck tem como objetivo trazer uma nova visão do que pode ser um food truck, sem aquele pensamento clichê de que food truck tem apenas que ser algo despojado e amador, a proposta é um restaurante sob rodas, mas um restaurante que vai inovar a imagem da comida mexicana no mercado porém sendo fiel a cultura. A logo representa todo clichê de comida mexicana que a marca quer passar, a pimenta além de ser um ícone do país, calhou muito bem de ser a letra A, e as chamas serviram para mostrar aquele calor del México.​​​​​​​

The brand developed for the Mexican Food Truck aims to bring a new vision of what can be a food truck, without that cliche thinking that food truck has only to be something stripped and amateur, the proposal is a restaurant under wheels, but one restaurant that will innovate the image of Mexican food in the market yet being faithful to the culture. The logo represents all the cliches of Mexican food that the brand wants to pass, the pepper as well as being an icon of the country, it looked very well to be the letter A, and the flames served to show that heat of Mexico.

As cores do Food Truck refletem exatamente o tom de tradicionalismo que a marca quer passar, seja nos elementos propositalmente clichês ou na fidelidade à culinária mexicana, são cores fortes e a presença do vermelho traz o tom de de calor, ardência, que o México representa.

The colors of the Food Truck reflect exactly the tone of traditionalism that the brand wants to pass, whether in the purposely clichés elements or in the fidelity to the Mexican cuisine, they are strong colors and the presence of the red brings the tone of heat, ardence, that Mexico represents.

Service: Identity
Sector: Event
Designed by: Leandro Alex
Art Director: Leandro Alex
Copywriter by: Weslley Alves

Mexican Food Truck