In 2010 I started studying Audio Engineering on SAE Institute Vienna. By that time I was a DJ myself for about 2 years already. Within my colleagues at the Institute and my friends within the DJ and promoting-scene, it seems like no one was interested in doing business. In music.
I decided to take the step and founded my own label. Months of work and recherche. Talking to authoroties and institutions in order to gain information about the topic "label". I had no references at all, due to this kinda niche. The result? DREIECK RECORDS.
My CI was easily made up. I love extremes. And I am into black and white. Combining that with a touch of music within the logo resulted in the logo and the b/w CI. Idea and Design: Dom Kardashian.
I wanted a simple and minimalistic website. The main goal was not to have a blog 2.0, but a website wich combines and links to all necessary information about the label itself. For music promotion I choose mostly Facebook and Soundcloud. Design: Dom Kardashian. Coding: Gulliermo Neugebauer.
Dreieck Records

Dreieck Records

I created my own music label. With 21. In Vienna.


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