St.John the Baptist
The Last Supper
Vitruvian Man
Mona Lisa
Leonardo Davinci showed the most recent social conspiracy through his paintings hiding different symbols and meaning in his paintings by various ways. He was a big time supporter Of homosexuality and was one of them himself. Most of his paintings depict character which were neither male nor female. He was an expert in mirror writing. The concept of my shoot is inspired from his way of depicting and representing social issues in hidden ways. I choose Lgbtq as most recent social topic which I will be representing through his 5 most famous artwork. I have mirrored all the images.
St. John the Baptist: John was Jesus cousin and was considered very feminine. He carried himself in a very elegant and effeminate style. So I worked with a female model to highlight that aspect and also half picture is dark and half is bright as showing the path to sinners.
Vitruvian Man: In sketch it is a male overlapping a female. I showed a transgender woman in the picture because there is a unnoticed woman in a man's body.
Mona Lisa: I worked with in intersex person because the Mona Lisa half face is male and the other half is female. As it is a mirrored image and left side in the painting represents women's side, I have painted glitter on right side of her face to show feminine aspect.
Annunciation: In the painting Archangel Gabriel is blessing Mary to conceive Jesus. In the picture angel is blessing a transgender male because transgender male have ability to conceive child.
The Last Supper: In painting Jesus and Mary Magdalene are represented as a couple by coordinating their dress colour. So in picture i have played around with makeup and coordinated their makeup style and colour. In picture i have placed transgender male at right side of Jesus to show Mary Magdalene. Because It is assumed to be John by all who see it but in fact it is a lady Mary Magdalene. Breads and hand are arranged in a similar way as painting.




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