
Gods, I shouldn't have started with Jenna...
27th April is also the birthday of The New Doctor Who writer, Russell T Davies.

Often times, we forget that while the actor gets credited. The show runner can go underappreciated.
Needless to say, RTD was highly praised and recognized for his contribution to DW. RTD even won several awards for 
some of the most famous episodes during David Tennant's run as the 10th Doctor and Christopher Eccleston's short lived, 9th Doctor run. 

Aside from DW, Davies also wrote the spin-off Torchwood and brought back The Sarah Jane Adventures. Outside of DW, he is also openly gay
and married Andrew Smith (passed in 2018). For RTD, I've decided to mix up brown, orange and green for the background.
I liked how it turned out. Might be one of my best ones yet.

Happy birthday to Russell T Davies and the beloved Jenna Coleman and my good friend, Elly.
Interested in giving me ideas? Please drop a comment on who you want me to paint next?
Please and Thank you.

For Russell

For Russell
