Blind Date is a visual representation of how unrealistically dramatic we feel when we encounter an awkward social situation. The animation explores humor, surreal events and stimulating visuals to encourage viewers to see their own painfully awkward moments in a new light.
Restricted by the time I was provided with, this animation was produced in under a week. It is fully hand-drawn on Photoshop, with my favorite tool video timeline. It was then composited on After Effects, with sound design composited on Premiere Pro.

The highlight of the project is being able to figure out how to match my animation style to my illustration style. It was a lot of fun exploring different tools on Aftereffects in order to recreate the style frame I was aiming for made on Photoshop.
Animation made for Design Studio at Rhode Island School of Design's Graphic Design department.

Background beat by Kris Klavenes
Thank you to Kris for allowing me to use and remix the music.
Blind Date

Blind Date

Blind Date is a visual representation of how unrealistically dramatic we feel when we encounter an awkward social situation. The animation explor Read More
