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阿霞飯店包裝插畫 Tainan A-Sha Packaging Illustration

台南口中的阿霞滋味 / the Taste of Tainan A-Sha /
從1940 開始,位於台南巷 間的阿霞飯店( 稱錦霞 ), 今仍然是 聲鼎沸,無論是遠近馳 名紅蟳米糕,或是炭烤烏魚子…等, 道道打著「美味求真」的硬功夫臺菜,是每 位老饕共同的記憶。此次是針對阿霞飯店對外的年菜及外帶包裝,進行插畫繪製,紀錄臺南人從結婚迎娶至三代同聚於阿霞用餐的美好畫面,以及在廚房裡料理食材的廚師們,用鮮美的菜色與親切的笑容迎接一桌又一桌的饕客。

Started in 1940 and hidden in the back alley of Tainan, the A-Sha restaurant, also known as  JINXIA, is still in a hubbub of voices. Every single delicious genuine Taiwanese cuisine, such as the resounding Steamed Fresh Crab Roe on Glutinous Rice and the Charbroiling Mullet Roe all represents the memory of all the foodies.

插畫設計:Croter Illustration & Design Studio 
攝影:Oni Lai Photo Studio 
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阿霞飯店包裝插畫 Tainan A-Sha Packaging Illustration