Projects at Cicada Design
At Cicada Design, I joined a team of 3D artists and architects to produce videos that supported proposals for large public architecture and urban planning projects. In essence, we were creating mini-documentaries about buildings and public spaces that did not yet exist. All of the places pictured here have been built in the time since I worked with Cicada, and they continue to do excellent work visualizing the human elements of large-scale design. 

The images below are taken from videos I produced, edited, and collaborated on while working with the team at Cicada.
Pan/Parpan Am Games 2015, Toronto
Athletes Village area (later branded as the Canary District)
Sick Kids Hospital Resarch Tower, Toronto
Cicada Design Projects
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Cicada Design Projects

Overview of projects I produced while working at Cicada Design, 2009-2011

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