Skyscraper competition

Competition: eVolo 2014
Collaboration with Konstantin Zaigraev(JustToDesign)
As states the first environmental law, everything is interrelated. Therefore, no one can make a single step without touching or breaking something in the enviroment. Each step we make on a lawn ruins dozens of microorganisms. Before the apperance of man and his active attitude towards nature? the living world was dominated by mutual balanced interdependence and ecological harmony. With the appearance of man begins violation of all these processes.
The Earth has a planetary control system that maintains the enviroment in a condition suitable for life. Some call this system "Gaia" or the soul of the planet. The humans' abuse of the environment make this mecanism work against us. The humanity has alredy passed the point of no return with regard to clemate change, and our civilization as we know it may hardly survive.
Key issues
The process of rising sea levels that is being observed since the XIX century is a serious threat to humanity. One of the reasons for this is the global warming. According to some forecasts, the rise in sea level by the year 2100 is expected to be from 0.5 to 2m. For the next 300 years, it may rise from 2.5 to 5.1m. According to some calculations? the rise of sea level equal to 200 mm, would make homeless 740 thousands of people in Nigeria only.
The idea of our object is in its nearly absolute independence from human influence. The main point of the building is that it is self-built. It means that from the moment of setting an energy nucleus to the Ocean, Pyramid will start surrounding itself with necessary material and minerals which will serve as a basis for the sky-scraper.
Pyramid grows in 2 directions absolutelly - above and under the water. By that would like to show that our object does not separate space above and under the water but on the contrary is a harmonius connection between them.
Life on the Earth originates from the water. Water is a piece of the bigger part of the earth and all its inhabitants, it is the simplest and at the same time the most mysterious substance ever know to the humankind. So far scientists have managed to study only 5% of all the water on Earth. This lets you wonder what is stored in the depths of unexplored part of ocean.

Geneticists have so far managed to discover only 5% of all the secrets that DNA has.
Genes are unique repository that possesses all the data about previous generation, individual features of every person and every close relative. It is hard to imagine how many questions we can answer if the scientists discover even a hald of DNA code.
One of the most mysterious phenomea in the history of architecture is Egyptian Pyramid.
There are lots of hypothesis on why they appeared and that for: someone tends to think that they were built by Egyptians and served as tombs for Pharaohs, others believe that the Great Pyramid is the means of maintaining contact with cosmos and as a consequence it was brought by extraterrestrial civilizations. Legs of the base of pyramid with surprising exactness are oriented to parts of the world, and angle of inclination of passage leading to the bottom of the Pyramid? equals to the angle under which ancient people observed Pole Star.
So DNA,Pyramid and Ocean serve as a common ground for our project.​​​​​​​
The Ocean is the place for construction of the Pyramid and such a solution will be quite topecal in the future. Building in the water expanses that are rich in minerals and future construction materials is logical and economecally sound.
Firstly, energy station in the form of the part of the DNA is placed on the water surface, working as a magnet and bringing all the necessary materials from the water, underwater beds and atmosphere turning them into applicable construction materials. Thanks to the derived materials the station firstly builds itself to the size of complet.
Thsnks to the derived materials the station firstly builds itself to size of complete DNA the size of which equals to the future Pytamid. After that, vertical bearings rise from above and under the water and derived construction materials are strung on them. Shades and outline of the pyramid appear first, then, connections and underwater blocks grow step by step, and in the end appear full ceiling and exterior cells.
Other renders
Rhinoceros | Photoshop | Lumion
- 2014 -
Thank you for watching! 



Competition, concept, eVolo, Architecture. Визуализация
