Self Promo Postcards
I ended up re-taking my image for the Self-Promo project, and did a blend of the work shot and the play shot, hence why in the end I went with the slogan, "all work all play."  I chose this because when you're doing something you love for work, you get to work and play at the same time. The four different styles starting at the top left are Color FX, Designer's choice(ultimate goal was to use masks to have an inverse gradient map on another layer be visible through the text), Hollywood FX, and Lighting FX.  All techniques were taken from Badass Effects by Corey Barker.  I ultimately went with the lighting effect card, and added by name and the slogan.  I felt that it had the most dynamic look.  It has the most pop when it comes to color, and I feel it represents me well.  Kinda quirky, but still clean.
Self Promo

Self Promo
