Profil von Chelsey Weaver

The Boxcar Children Exhibit

This was an independent project done to improve my portfolio for admission into the MA in production Design Program, as I had no prior experience in production design
Concept / Process and Exhibit Description: Interactive imagination play inspired by children's books. The books used in this exhibit should be factually based fiction and/or have historical significance. The intent of the exhibit is two -fold; first to encourage kids to read and reward their reading endeavors with an opportunity to explore the "inside" of their favorite books via an interactive scenic environment where they have the chance to pretend to be their favorite characters. The second intent is to inform kids and parents where the inspiration for the literature came from, by providing facts about its cultural, historical and geographical significance. 
Initial concept drawings were done by hand. Scenic Models were built using Balsa wood, wire, paint, foam core, and paper. I then brought the images into my computer and reconstructed and refined my ideas digitally.
The Boxcar Children Exhibit

The Boxcar Children Exhibit

Interactive imagination play inspired by children's books
