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Google Trends Research Keyamonie Fentress

                                                         Networking Trends
                                                       Keyamonie Fentress


A Network trend is based off the most common thing people are doing in a particular Network. A trend is described as a common behavior among a group of people. Network trends are based off popular behaviors, data, and statistics utilized in Network communications. Security, Network Management tools, and Wireless technology are important areas in information technology with leading trends over the past three years. It is theorized the subsets within the three trending areas with inclines from 2018 will continue to have a steady rise throughout 2019 and possibly the years to follow.


Network trends are based off popular behaviors, data, and statistics utilized in Network communications. Security, Network Management tools, and Wireless technology are important areas in information technology with leading trends over the past three years. It is theorized the subsets within the three trending areas with inclines from 2018 will continue to have a steady rise throughout 2019 and possibly the years to follow. ‘’ Increasingly, though, that phenomena is less relevant in a world defined not by ‘one big thing,’ but rather, the iterative fusion of technology building blocks coupled with a generous helping of people and process’’ (CompTIA, 2019).  Researchers are able to extract data from a database and find common behaviors and data to determine popular trends in a Networks. the definition of Networking is described as connecting one or more points for communication purposes. There are many websites that track, research and provide analytical data of Networking trends. Networking trends are important because it allows companies determine their rank and strategize for improvement. Networking trends help consumers by picking products based on rank and popularity of other people.


   It can be hypothesized the trends that show a positive incline from the year 2018 will remain trending for 2019 and possibly the years to come. Security in information technology has had one of the most leading trends over the past three years in Networking. Security in information technology will be something that is always trending because there will always be a risk for attack. ‘’A modern comprehensive risk management strategy includes a solid cyber security component. Technology advances mean that cyber security continues to be a business focus that requires serious attention’’ ( Chrisos, 2019). Security trends in information technology has subsets of  automation, monitoring  and artificial intelligence. Cyber Security Automation has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because of the automated security functions it can provide. Cyber Security Automation is is an artificial intelligence tool that has the capability to manage and administer different tasks and duties to protect Networks.  It also reduces the workload of cybersecurity and allows them to focus on other important tasks. Cyber Security Monitoring has the potential to be an emerging trend beyond 2019 in Networking because it practices real-time security to fight real-time threats and vulnerabilities. The advantage of security monitoring is cybersecurity is able to respond or prevent to threats as quickly occur.  Cyber Security artificial intelligence has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because it has the capability prevent and respond to task on its own. The advantage of Cyber Security Artificial intelligence is it able to respond to attacks by itself and assists the Cyber Security by providing suggestions to help prevent attacks.
   Network Management tools has been one of the most leading trends in Networking over the past three years. Network Management tools is something that will continue to trends in the future because they are a necessary tool needed to organize and manage data on different Networks. Network would run slow and be less effective because the workload would outweigh the efficiency. Hence, the reason why Internet Networks ran slow when the internet was first introduced. ‘’Using a network management tool can completely change the way you take on network mishaps, help you to grow when it’s time, and help protect your critical data from wandering eyes’’ (Miles, 2018). Network Management trends in information technology has subsets of  data management tools Policy compliance and bandwidth Management. has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because it helps Networks manage and administer important information. The advantage of Data Management is it can assist with the overall management of Networks from a wide range of tasks of decision -making, organization, support systems, scheduling, security, and ect. Policy compliance has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because it helps users who access and control the Network abide by policies created to keep a safe environment for every user. The advantage of policy compliance tools is it protects Network companies as well as users from negligence and improper use of Networks. ‘’A key benefit, of course, will be functioning in a productive, efficient environment in which all elements work together toward a common strategy of preventing and detecting compliance breakdowns’’ (Biskup, 2014) bandwidth management  has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because it helps Networks process information at faster speeds. The advantage of  Bandwidth Management is tools is it allows users to connect at faster rates, which is necessary for medical, policing, and emergency service fields.
   Wireless Technology in information technology has had one of the most leading trends over the past three years in Networking. Wireless Technology trends in information technology has subsets of  millimeter technology, wifi, and bluetooth technology. Millimeter technology has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because it provide effective and efficient broadband for applications that use a-lot of data. The advantage of Millimeter technology is it is able to complement applications with correct speeds necessary for applications to work. Many Internet Applications like Netflix, Fortnite, and Hulu require a-lot of data to work Wifi has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because wireless internet is becoming apart of the American culture and necessary use for everyday life. Innovators create new ways to make wifi better since it’s so important to society. The advantage of wifi is it allows users to connect to the Internet without any wire or cables with compatible devices within a large range. Bluetooth has the potential to be a rising trend beyond 2019 in Networking because it allows devices to exchange data utilizing wavelengths. The advantage of bluetooth technology is it allows devices to share information within seconds with a click of a button over Networks.

Design and Methodology

    The research created based its findings from Google trends. The research based its findings on the Month of March from 2017-2019 for every single trend. The Findings for all Network Management Tools subset trends shows a peak in the year of 2018 and a slight decrease in the year 2019 for all trends, expect for Data Management Tools. Data Management Tools had a rising climax after 2018. The Findings for Wireless Technology trends show a peak at 2018 and steady decline in 2019, except for millimeter technology. Millimeter Technology was the only wireless technology to have a steady incline from 2017-2019. All the subsets for security had an a peak in 2018 except cyber security monitoring, which shows a steady a steady increase after the year of 2018. Only 33.3 trends had a positive climax in the year of 2019.

   The research concluded that the most popular trends will most likely continue to trend beyond for the rest of 2019 because of the positive incline. 33.3 of trends showed a steady incline from 2018 to the year 2019 of the Month of March. The incline strongly suggest the following Months of April and May will continue to see a positive incline. Every trend with a positive climax in 2019 has the potential to continue to be a popular trend for the rest of the year and the years to come based on the research. The research proves every trend that inclined from 2018 continued to have a steady incline in 2019. More research would need to be conducted in the upcoming years to prove the theory valid. 

Works Cited

Biskup R. The Benefits of Integrating Governance, Risk and Compliance (2014). Risk and Compliance Journal. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 4/22/2019 From: 

Chrisos M. 5 Benefits of Concrete Cyber Security Risk Management Strategy. Information Technology.  Retrieved 4/22/2019 From: 

CompTIA. IT Industry Outlook 2019 (2019). Comp TIA Inc. Retrieved 4/22/2019 From 

Miles B. Top 5 Benefits Of Network Management Tools For 2018 (2018). Network Management Software Inc. Retrieved 4/22/2019 From: 

Google Trends 

Google Trends Research Keyamonie Fentress
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