The challenge I faced while making the logo above was when I had to take my skateboard in real life and convert it into a simple cartoon. This is my most liked piece of work because of the simplicity and the repetition of my name. 
The challenge I faced while creating the picture above was converting a picture of my face into a cartoon. Not only is this a tough task but it is the first time I have ever attempted turning anything into a cartoon. 

The challengeI faced while making the logo above was trying to make the ice cubes look 3D while keeping the rest of the image 2D. During the production of the logo I had to incorporate my name into the image, and at first i wanted to put my name in the ice cube but it was later corrected and placed outside the glass.
The challenge I faced while taking and editing this photo was trying to add light to the picture which I took on a cloudy day. I fixed it by adding fake shadows and adding light to darker spots.
The challenge I faced while taking and editing this photo was editing out the shadow of my friend. When I was taking the picture my friend Victor stood behind me and casted his shadow upon the wall.
The challenge I faced while taking and editing this picture was trying to make a leafless tree look alive. What I did to fix this was darkening parts of the tree that had leafs and brightening everything else.
The challenge i faced while making the poster above was trying to use repetitive shapes while still trying to make it less crowded. To solve this challenge I made most of the hexagons transparent.


