Risolve Studio Sample Pack

A pack of Risograph printed materials designed for Risolve Studio

The pack includes:
30 Riso ink colors printed on 8 different paper stocks
4 postcards with 4 different ink color combinations
Thermography sample bookmark
5"x8", 16 page photography sample book featuring 16 different color combinations
11"x17" double sided folded poster 
Split-fountain business card
Holographic Risolve sticker

The entire pack is printed on premium US manufactured French Paper Co. paper using the Pop-tone, Speckletone, Dur-O-Tone, Kraft-tone, Glo-Tone, and Construction lines

Risograph Sample Pack

Risograph Sample Pack

A risograph sample pack for Risolve Studio. This pack highlights Risolve's riso print abilities and includes postcards, a poster, a photography s Развернуть
