Obsession infects the mind, focusing solely on that particular type of obsession, often is anunreasonable idea, which in my case is always. I cannot explain my fascination with birds and ladybirds, I've just always been inspired by there sense of freedom and self direction. I employ these motives in to my work constantly; the freedom of working with my hands for a clearer direction and message. 

Inspired by Kusama's words, “...a deep, driving compulsion to realise, in visible form, the repetitive image inside of me." I have therefore employed a repetitive pattern exploring my personal obsessions, obsession's that I can't disregard, which is forever on-going in the back of my mind, April 2012.


Obsession infects the mind, focusing solely on that particular type of obsession, often is an unreasonable idea, which in my case is always. I ca Rozwiń
