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Absolut Print Advertising

Absolut Vodka is known for their iconic “Absolut.. Series”. The brief was to come up with original Absolut print ads using the iconic Absolut bottle shape and bold headlines.

The ads needed to be lateral and needed to appeal to the relevant target market. The images were hand rendered with copic  markers. Only grey, black, white and one other colour. 
Absolut Economy refers to the current economic crisis the world is faced with today. The Image of  the Absolut bottle takes the form of  piggy bank as it refers to the need of saving money. 
Eyjafjallajokull is the name of the Volcano that erupted in Iceland. The concept relates specifically to Current affairs in the World today. 

The pronunciation of Eyajafjallajokull is extremely hard, therefore stays in line with Absolut’s “tongue and cheek tone”
The Nobel Prize is a prestigous award recieved for excellent findings in the field of chemistry, physics and medicine. Chemistry is needed in the process of making vodka.
The founder of the Nobel Prize was Alfred Nobel who was Swedish as is Absolut. 
Absolut Print Advertising
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Absolut Print Advertising

Hand Rendered Illustration

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