Profilo di Rachel Ph

Cocacola - Taste the feeling

(link youtube:                      

               In this campaign, the copywriter perfectly bring the message about everybody in the world deserves to have a Christmas with happiness. Coca-cola never makes audiences feel disappointed when delivering the emotion values into every products. Instead of showing the new product information and it become boring and normal, Coca-cola tend to create creative concept about every little familiar things in life. This is one the reason why Coca-cola do not need to make some overwhelming TVC to catch attention of audiences, Coca always know the way to go straight to customers' heart through some simple things.

                The key message that Coca would like to show in this TVC is about love, sharing and happiness. Even who you are, what you do, Coca will bring the happy things to your life, because you deserve good things. To be more specific, Coca-cola create a interviews to ask 3 workers of what they was thinking while working in Christmas season and they had the same answer that they felt lonely and upset because of being far away from their family. Thus, Coca-cola decided to make a big surprise for them, they used 3 characters act like a customer and then when they come to the cashier to pay and after that they give 3 workers 1 bottle of Coca-cola "There are all yours, Merry Christmas" , Coco-cola believes that they deserves to enjoy Christmas Eve as other people.  

               According to psychological values, the types of research that Coca-cola has used is primary and secondary research. Base on the campaigns Coca-cola has launched before with the good reactions of customers. Coca-cola knows they go the right direction of bringing the happiness values into their product. Moreover, spreading the happiness is obviously good thing. Audience will have a good look at something positive that brands try to bring to them. The taste of Coca-cola has a good reputation since a long time ago. Therefore, the main mission of them is how maintain this reputation with good image.

              Even though, in the beginning, the main content that Coca-cola put into the TVC is the interviews but it is really touching and respecting the emotion values well. The tone of voice is very soft, tender and sympathetic. Coca-cola played a good role at being a caregiver as well. Instead of using a normal print ad with information about new product, Coca-cola had a significant effect through good image and best copywriting.

              Coca-cola is one of the most popular coke brands in the world. According to "", Coca belongs to top 100 largest company by market value. Therefore it is not too difficult to recognise the brand in the market. The main purpose that TVC would like to launch any campaign is spreading the happiness to other people. This become one of the reasons to make this brand successful. In this TVC, Coca-cola did not concentrate on the taste of the drink but they still catch more than 2 millions viewers to watch their TVC on Youtube. Emotion values is not the new concept in TVC but it is never boring to Coco-cola, they know how they affect audience by their own campaigns.  

                In the beginning of the TVC, there has a meaningful sentence "While we celebrate the happiest time of the year, there are people who sacrifice and work tirelessly, to make thi season special". People have to work in holidays, they tend to think that they have to word hard to get more money, and it is obvious not to spend time for family and friends. And with the key point that Coca-cola always tries to bring to customers "Happiness", Coco-cola would like to do something surprise to the workers.  

               Coca-cola become a iconic of the connection between people. With touching, meaningful TVCs, Coca always knows how to maintain the reputation of them and attract more and more audiences not only through the taste of the drink but also the meaningful, valuable contents that Coca-cola create everyday and bring it to their customers. After i watched whatever TVCs of Coca-cola, i always feel like a can learn a new lesion for my life, this is why to me, Coca-cola is one of the best agency company ever. The strategy that Coca-cola would like to reach is always about connecting people with happiness and it created a big impact to everyone who knows this brand.

                 I believe that this TVC is completely successful through the touching content come from the familiar things. The key message was delivered perfectly to audience and they respect more the time they spend for family and friends. More than 2 millions viewers and 500 positive comments on Youtube prove the thing that Coca always go the right direction when they concentrate on the emotion values to their customers.

Cocacola - Taste the feeling

Cocacola - Taste the feeling


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