Relx Alpha Tech Video

This tech video was made for Relx Alpha, the innovative e-cigarette product. 
We tried to combine vision, motion and music together to create a pleased and relaxed feeling, 
corresponding to the experience of using the product.


Client - 悦刻/Relx
Creative Agency - LxU Studio
Project Director - 李雨/Levi & 魏婷婷/Una
Account Manager - 王旦妮/Danni
Grouphead - 王英飞/BigF
Storyboard - 王英飞/BigF
Design -  岳昕宇/ShouZhang & 邓锐/DR & 王英飞/BigF
Animation -  岳昕宇/ShouZhang & 邓锐/DR & 于腾翔/YU & 王英飞/BigF 
Compositing - 岳昕宇/ShouZhang & 邓锐/DR
Sound Design - Zing Audio
Relx Alpha Tech Video

Relx Alpha Tech Video

This 3D animation tech video was made for Relx Alpha, the innovative e-cigarette product. We tried to combine vision, motion and music together Se mer
