Profil appartenant à Evelyn Lemma

Fast Food Consumption Info Graphic

In our Data Visualization course, we could pick any topic of our choice and use the information found to create static, dynamic, and environmental elements to represent the data. I researched data relating to fast food consumption in America. 
For my static poster, I focused heavily creating on illustrations of fast food, using bright colors, and incorporating the data into the food/food packaging itself. I broke the information into three different sections as well; general consumption information, data relating to children, and health concerns. For my dynamic piece, I took the illustration of the fries and created a simple animation to display the data attached to that image. Lastly for the environmental graphic design, I wanted to create a fast food bag that had a shocking fact/graphic on it. For that, I also used the illustrations I made to then create a pattern for the sides of the bag.
Fast Food Consumption Info Graphic
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Fast Food Consumption Info Graphic

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