Here you will find several of my favorite works from my portfolio.
Here is my personal logo, I created this while I was in art school and decided I would use it from now own. I created a name for it. The name is the combination between Ouroboros, the mythical dragon or snake that eats it's own tail and had a high profile in the world of alchemy in the olden times; and chroma (chromatic wheel) which is just perfect since the chromatic wheel in on itself already represent yet another continuous circular succession of colors.
I made this illustration as a gift for one of my most closest friends, she's a fan of Game of Thrones and its creatures, so I thought this would have been a nice choice for her. She liked it. Funny thing about watercolors, is that they have the power to transform me into a fauvist artist.
If this design seems familiar it is because this was a design prior to the sculpture project that you can find in my page. It was meant to be a sci-fi robot all along; yet I always found that for sculpture I prefer organic forms of "living" creatures rather than mechanical shapes. It just comes to a matter of preference.
This is a low poly rendering of a 3D model of a Dragon I designed from scratch for a paper-craft project. This model was then printed in thick paper, cut and assembled to become a model of aprox. 40 cm^2 of area. and 40 cm tall. The unfolding of this model was done by me, the cutting of the pieces was done mainly by myself but one friend helped me once in a while since she saw me suffering with it sometimes. The assembly was completely done by me and the whole ordeal took  from modeling the dragon from scratch to complete assembly took approximately two months.

The dragon itself comes with a story.
His name is Heliusk and he's a fire dragon that devours stars.
He remains dormant in the core of a hollow cold planet, an alien race held him there to harvest his thermal power and to keep him under a certain temperature, if he reaches temperatures too high, he could wake up and escape to devour all the stars.
Watercolor fauvism
This was one of the projects in which I had most fun. This is a concept art and character design for a hypothetical brand cereal box.
During the process I found several key elements on what makes a superb cereal design, because even these designs do have a special science to them.
Here's one of these facts:

Did you know that most brand cereal products directed to children demographic have a character that is often looking downwards? 
That is to make eye contact with kids, who are small and often look upward to see the cereal boxes. And faces with eye contact are much more friendly faces.
This applies to other demographics too, cereal boxes for adult that feature people on their covers are photographed staring straight ahead.
This was the design of a cover for a book from "Horacio Quiroga," a very beloved writer in Latin America. His stories sometimes try to seem animated such as for children, but when his grim tone shows through you realize his stories are not for kids.
I made this little character for a phone case when I worked at a printer place. I got to use one special printer to print over any surfaces, and I was curious how I would manage to print something on a phone case. It printed out nicely.
I have a nerd inside of me, and I can't help it to be a comics fan. My favorite superhero low and behold is Batman, and The Rogues Gallery. My favorite villain from the gallery is The Riddler, and it shouldn't have come as a surprise that I ended up using his theme for an artistic magazine cover project.
Yet again, The Riddler appears, but this time is to check color palette and and face expression. I'm on the making of an animation since I am also an animator, and I am testing colors, face and overall design of his character, outfit, mannerisms, expressions and proportions. (Proportions might not be in tune just yet).
This huge illustration was printed on a skateboard for a project. This is one of my favorites ever.
It's inspired by "Undertale" the videogame.
The next three pieces are scans of a study of faces I did in acrylic paints.

I can't possibly remember who this actor is or what movie I remember him from. His picture is out there and it's exactly like this one, when I see him, this will be the first place where I put his name.
I'm fan of DC comics and the show Gotham, this is The Riddler in the show Gotham interpreted by Cory Michael Smith.
I'm particularly proud how the texture on the glove turned out.
In this particular piece I was only allowed to use only two complementary colors and all their color scale. In this case, green and red.
Once again another actor from the show Gotham, This os here is Detective James Gordon from Gotham Police Department, Interpreted by Ben McKenzie. I was not allow to use respective colors for their usual places, to sum it up, it resulted into a fauvist piece.
3D Modeling / Texturing / Rendering
Plush Toy Design "Red Luchador Monkey"
Art Portfolio

Art Portfolio

A collection of a few of my favorite pieces of illustration
