Profil David Torrico

Aneuploidy - Cell division slipped out of gear

Aneuploidy: cell division slipped out of gear.
We are all made of cells, actually quite a few of them. Each of our cells holds the complete blueprint of our whole body on its 46 chromosomes, written in the code of our DNA. Sometimes cells makes mistakes when they copy and distribute newly-made chromosomes. This leads to cells with an abnormal chromosome number. We call these cells aneuploid. Aneuploid cells are bad news: the vast majority of cancers is made of aneuploid cells. In this movie, we explain the concept of aneuploidy and how it affects the biology of cells. We explain how errors in the distribution of our chromosomes can lead to cancer and how we investigate this in our laboratory. 
We hope you enjoy our animation. For further information, please go to:
Aneuploidy - Cell division slipped out of gear

Aneuploidy - Cell division slipped out of gear
