Paige Byrne さんのプロファイル

Student Work 2017-2019 A resourceful experience!

Establishing an art studio in a local start up charter school was an amazing experience. We did a lot without a sink, furniture for a few months or technology at times.  We learned to be resourceful, inventive, connected in our differences and aware of our gifts together. 

Kindergarten end of year class gifts to teachers.  Combination of modeling clay donated by SCAD, drawing & student monochromatic scribbles & brushstrokes for mosaic pieces.  
Folk Art Figure Sculpture by 3rd and 4th grade using generous community donations. 
Textile collage using donations from Gulf Stream in 3rd and 4th grade
Kindergarten and First grade students apply emphasis and exaggeration to alphabet in learning to see things in new ways. 
                                                             Students demonstrate perseverence as artists in                                                                   practicing self-portraits through drawing prior to                                                                     painting. 
Place Based education begins with area map of Savannah and region painted by 3rd and 4th grade students. 48x72 canvas donated by Makerspace Savannah.
Birds Eye View perspective is accomplishished through color family & geometric shape in 5th grade. 
Shading together of Savannah palms, students develop understanding of the potential in using drawing tools to create tints & shades prior to individual self-portraits. 
Student Art Installation inspired by Ukranian culture: Faberge egg patterns applied to sculpture representing pipe organs as we study cultures in our community.  
Maori Tuki Sheilds design reflects student understandings that artists are resourceful with materials and elements of art are universal in all cultures. 
Still Life Vessel compositions show student ability to apply self-expression through color, space, form, unity and texture. A lesson prior to coil pot handbuilding taught off campus at S.P.A.C.E.  As a start up charter school art studio, we are resourceful!
"Rise and Shine" Student art exhibition at Blue Door Coffee & Waffle on Bull Street. 8x8 oil pastel. 
Fourth grade Mixed Media Fiber Art Sculpture using donated wire, fibers and wood scraps. 
Monthly newsletters celebrate the accomplishments, invite volunteers & artists, appreciate the community support and informs our community of the greater understanding visual art takes us in our growth as learners and people. 
SCAD donated canvas boards for each student in grades third through fifth. We focused on self-expression and identity. 
Collaboration of brushstrokes with 1st & 2nd of Susie 
Third grade explore realistic and abstract wire sculpture. 
Kente Cloth Thank you notes K-5
3ftx10ft tempera painted panels by students for annual music & art show
Students select favorite character to illustrate from Esparanza Rizing.
Student Work 2017-2019 A resourceful experience!
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Student Work 2017-2019 A resourceful experience!

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