Morning Blue

Morning Blue is a romantic interpretation of the human voyage to our neighbouring planet Mars. The film tries to capture the feeling of human wanderlust and our need to expand our horizons.

By using simple compositions for the visuals and music, we try to make the film speak more directly. By leaving out all the necessities to make this journey, such as knowledge, technology and money, we put the emphasis on emotion.


Designed, Produced and Directed by
Bas Hordijk

Music and Sound Design by
Daniel Pinto Nabias

This film was made with the use of sounds, images and models from:
NASA/JPL, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, ESA, John van Vliet, Raoul Marks.

Tools: Cinema 4D, Redshift, World Machine, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere

Morning Blue

Morning Blue

Morning Blue is a romantic interpretation of the human voyage to our neighbouring planet Mars. The film tries to capture the feeling of human wan Read More
