I decided to make an alternative poster of the Machuca movie.
This feature film has indeed marked me a lot. It deals with a part of the life of three children including two boys from opposing backgrounds during the upstream and after the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile.
Having a particular interest for the vector style, I noticed in recent years that the design of minimalist alternative movie posters had become a real trend: so I wanted to try this exercise.
After watching the film and immersing myself in it's atmosphere by drawing a sketch board, writing down some ideas, putting together some highlights of its history, I decided to choose a shot of a scene and to reproduce it. vectorially using Illustrator.
I also thought about showing the three children (rather than one) and especially the same picture as the original poster (which represents quite well the spirit and the friendship that unites them) but this one was in my opinion "ruined" by the graphic elements that complemented it.
The plan that I finally chose, this image which at first seemed to me very interesting from an aesthetic point of view, convinced me all the more because it let appear from back Gonzalo, main character from 'a favored environment, on his bike coming out of the neighborhood of Pedro, the other main child born of an opposite, poor background, which to my mind perfectly represented the spirit and the story of the film and in a second time transmitted some mysterious and attractive side with its sunset.
Once the reproduction on Illustrator finished, I went on Photoshop. So I created the Psd document with the appropriate dimensions and then imported the file "ai" into a dynamic object to return to it and modify it without any problem on Illustrator.
I then imported some incrustation material.
As far as typography is concerned, the font of the title of the film I chose is the Pristine Script, the one for the names of the various producers, assistant directors is U.S. 101.
As you can also see at the language level, the poster is in its original version (Spanish) in order to increase the efficiency of the simulation and really project us on its graphic operation.

