I made this piece as a response to a lecture on the portrayal of women in media. We get so many different ideals of a woman's role forced upon us on a daily basis, it's not humanly possible to fulfill them all. You must be sexy, but nurturing, outspoken, but reserved. Frankly, I don't care what others expect me to become, I choose to be me. I symbolized women's gender roles with the iconography of Rosie the Riveter, Playboy bunnies, a classic 50s housewife and the hats from the Women's March, styled like paper doll clothes, tailored for me to wear.

I drew everything in Procreate, then took it into Adobe Photoshop, where I arranged the various elements around me, added a background and the text.
A Woman's Role

A Woman's Role

A piece dealing with media and the "ideals" it can force on women.
