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Norwegian Wood Book Cover Design

Penguin book cover competition

The Challenge:

To create a book cover which would represent the story written in the book.

About the book:

The novel is a nostalgic story of loss and burgeoning sexuality. It is told from the first-person perspective of Toru Watanabe, who looks back on his days as a college student living in Tokyo.
The story Norwegian Wood begins when the main character puts on the vinyl by The Beatles and plays the song Norwegian Wood. The story starts with his memories.

The Solution:

The cover uses elements told in the story written by Murakami.
All the memories in human brains are recorded trough an eye. The circle on the front is made to look like an eye ball. Moreover, the eye ball on the front extend the image and flouts into a vinyl record which continues the image to the back of the book.

Norwegian Wood Book Cover Design

Norwegian Wood Book Cover Design
