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X'mas Best Wishing 2018

Christmas Best Wishing

在卡片的正面使用了些和聖誕節相關的元素像是馴鹿、冷杉、槲寄生等,並加這些元素和祝福詞句做適當的排版。同時新年也即將到來,所以也設計 "流星通往心" 的意象,象徵著心想事成。在卡片背面則是設計一個將聖誕樹上裝飾放大的意象,同時闡述著我們對這個節日需要了解的意義為何。
On the front side, using the elements regarding Christmas such as reindeer, abies, viscum album, etc and I arrange them with layout of some greeting words in order to create a joyful feeling for people.And the holiday is also near the approaching of New Year, so I also design a image of shooting star implies "everything go our way and come true". On the back of the card,  designing a image correspond to decoration on Christmas tree and set forth the meaning that we should remember about this day. 

- Wishing You A Fantastic And Delighted MERRY CHRISTMAS -

X'mas Best Wishing 2018

X'mas Best Wishing 2018

On the front side, using the elements regarding Christmas such as reindeer, abies, viscum album, etc and I arrange them with layout of some greet 자세히 보기
