Профиль Gerry Stecca

TREE WRAP V: Lafayette, Co 2013-14

Street Art
Art in the Street 2013-14 Lafayette, Co (Boulder County)
This installation was constructed in warm Miami, based on approximate dimensions provided by the City of Lafayette (CO).  I then traveled and installed it on a crisp and cold Colorado spring morning. The work was displayed for nearly two years. It was followed by four more trees wrapped outside of the new Fort Smith Museum of Art (AR) where it exists permanently or until the materials finally surrender to nature.
I lost count but I beleive I used well over 3000 thousand clothespins.
This series of works began circa 2002 and continue to explore the endless possibilities that wooden clothespins have to offer. It eventually inspired new works using other natural media.
Thank you BEHANCE for featuring this project!
Gerry Stecca (www.GerryStecca.com)
TREE WRAP V: Lafayette, Co 2013-14

TREE WRAP V: Lafayette, Co 2013-14

Art installation for ART IN THE STREETS 2013 in Lafayette CO (Boulder, CO) by Gerry Stecca.
