A_Vitor _'s profileMartin Rästa's profile

Laulu ja Tantsu Pidu - Minu Arm (2019)

Laulu ja Tantsu Pidu Minu Arm
Im happy to announce my directorial debut  for 2019's Estonian Song and Dance Festival. This event that occurs every five years since 1869, is a much loved national social occasion and moves tens of thousands of the nations population with every instalment. This year, and in celebration of its 150th aniversary, we have created a short promo film that, we hope, encapsulates the feeling of the festival.
Laulu ja Tantsu Pidu Minu Arm

DOP - Indrek Kasesalu
Camera - Indrek Kasesalu
Producer : Liisi Toots
Direction: Vitor Aguiar
Creative Direction : Martin Rästa
Concept: Vitor Aguiar & Martin Rästa
Grading, Edit and VFX : Vitor Aguiar
Motion Graphics : Kaiko Lipsmäe
Additional stock footage : Brand Estonia, Andri Peetso

special thanks to:
Eesti Laulu- ja Tantsupeo SA
Brand Estonia
Baas Design
Caviar Films

Laulu ja Tantsu Pidu - Minu Arm (2019)

Laulu ja Tantsu Pidu - Minu Arm (2019)
