"Rehabilitation, conservation and value enhancement."

Architectural rehabilitation and value enhancement of a department located inside a typical housing complex called "PH" in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The layout of the house was outdated and rigid. The spaces were big and also were very dark with little light. A project was undertaken to make the most of the great cost of the m2. One more space was generated. The new spaces were separated with sliding panels, allowing freedom in use according to the needs of the family. Thanks to this, a highly illuminated space with ventilation from east to west was generated. The carpentry (doors and windows) of great patrimonial value were completely restored.
State of the old house... (Before)
Construction work (During)
Project plans (Before and after) 
"Rehabilitation, conservation and value enhancement."

"Rehabilitation, conservation and value enhancement."

Architectural rehabilitation and value enhancement of a department located inside a typical housing complex called "PH" in the city of Buenos Air Развернуть
