The Brand
Lifeproof strives to build the best all-protective mobile device cases. The cases have a unique design that makes it waterproof, preventing melting snow and ice. Continuously and permanently sealing your device making it sand proof, dust proof, and dirt proof. Finally, they are designed for a high degree of shock and impact protection.
The Objective
Collaborate project where we had to create a print campaign to promote Lifeproof cases as the best protection for smartphones.
The Idea
Inspired by the technique of installation art, we decided to create our own, focusing on the waterproof and shockproof features of the product by using plastic wrap and yards of cotton to show the Lifeproof Cases as the best protection for your smartphone.
Print Ads
Installation Art and Photo Shoot Process
Photography by Justin Sicard
Lifeproof Print Campaign

Lifeproof Print Campaign

Collaborate project where we had to create a print campaign to promote Lifeproof cases as the best protection for smartphones.


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