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Autobahn SVG bitmap stencil font

Autobahn SVG bitmap stencil font

Autobahn is a bold display stencil typeface that has a monumental amount of spray paint detail.
It's not a traditional vector font. It blows the traditional vector font out of the water. You will not find a more detailed and realistic stencil spray paint font and that's due to the new OpenType-SVG Bitmap font format.
A traditional vector font as one colour and no transparency. Autobahn has full transparency and thousands of shades of black and grey. The OpenType-SVG Bitmaps technology gives the font so much more detail than the old font format.

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Autobahn SVG bitmap stencil font
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Autobahn SVG bitmap stencil font

Autobahn is a bold display stencil typeface that has a monumental amount of spray paint detail. It's not a traditional vector font. It blows the Lire la suite

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