Beer and breweries have many variations and styles with traditional and historic elements that are essentail to the composition and essence of what differentiates types of beer.the revitalization of micro-breweries and craft beers as a viable consumer option in the wide beer market has changed the way that brands market their products.
The problem with many old style beers that hold to traditional practices is that they often are unappealing to many younger consumers because of their refusal to change.the style of beer- in this case, an old American ale whose tradition hails the tradition and practices of the early 1900’s--is an old ideal of brewing manufacturing in the United States. Despite the top quality appeal that a beer similar to this would display, it is needing to maintain an aged presentation of elegance and function; however because of these same elements a beer such as this is usually unappealing to younger consumers.
My solution was to create Ol’ Dog Ale, an old brew with new tricks.the central idea to stay loyal to brewing practices but market to a younger generation with different ideals, such as environmentally friendly packaging.the beer packaging uses recycled brown paper, soy ink, and 55% less cardboard than traditional bottles carriers.
Ol' Dog Brewery

Ol' Dog Brewery

A branding project for Flagler College.
