Zaid Al-Mashni profili

Fender Guitars | Guitars, acoustic & bass guitars .


Fender Guitars Company 

Fender Musical Instruments Corporation is an American manufacturer of stringed instruments and amplifiers

I designed the inner space because I have a passion for musical instruments.
I have kept their logo because I have no right to modify it.

Project Idea :
Was taken by the guitar player and the form of arcs invisible to the viewer and the elements and blocks were designed on them.

Lines of Motion:
The movement lines are designed in the form of a guitar feather and connected in a psychological way with the customer to control the movement on the course of the feather and this form we have a steady path and comfortable with the customer and employees of the company.

Lighting design:
Lighting is designed by the electric cells in the guitar.

Fender Guitars | Guitars, acoustic & bass guitars .
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Fender Guitars | Guitars, acoustic & bass guitars .

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